One of the most read books about the mind ever written. More than 22 million copies sold.
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Dianetics is a breakthrough that has allowed us to understand the logical structure by which thinking works - conscious and subconscious.
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Over 22,000,000 copies sold
What is Dianetics?
The word Dianetics is derived from the Greek dia, meaning “through,” and nous, “mind or soul.” Dianetics is further defined as “what the soul is doing to the body.”
dia = through
nous = mind or soul
When the mind adversely affects the body, it is described as a psychosomatic condition. Psycho refers to “mind or soul” and somatic refers to “body.” Thus, psychosomatic illnesses are physical illnesses caused by the soul.
Dianetics is a methodology which can help alleviate unwanted sensations and emotions, irrational fears and psychosomatic illnesses (illnesses caused or aggravated by mental stress). It is most accurately described as what the soul is doing to the body through the mind.
Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health + gift book: the Way to happiness
Dianetics has been read by 22 million people and
translated into 53 languages.
The way to happiness. 74 pages.
Common sense leads you to a better life.
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Albert Einstein once said:
"We only use 10% of our mind's potential."
There is a certain, unsuspected factor in our thinking that affects us all subconsciously.
It is the cause of stress and burnout. It’s the main factor that prevents us from positive thinking.
DIANETICS explains very precisely what this factor is with which we sabotage ourselves.
Reading the book alone and understanding the simple logic behind the seemingly complex structure of the mind (conscious and subconscious) gives a completely new perspective in life.
But Dianetics goes beyond theory and describes an easy-to-use method to free your mind from this burden.
There are so many books about wealth, happiness, positiveness and success.
Most of the popular books in this field tell you that it’s basically down to your attitude – what you emanate, your own mind-set that determines your success and happiness.
How do you change this attitude, this mind-set?
How do you rise above your self-invalidations, anxieties, and failures, and turn yourself into this person, who just knows he is going to get what he wants?
This book will answer ALL your questions but more importantly Dianetics shows you how to HOW TO PERMANENTLY GET RID OF all the unwanted thoughts, self-imposed barriers, destructive thinking, inhibitions, insecurities and limitations.
If you are curious about how you can achieve your full potential, discover your true purpose, find endless motivation to be more and do more, get this book and read it.
Get ready to discover the REAL YOU
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Some of your experiences are recorded in a different part of your mind—a part that does not think rationally and cannot make sane decisions.
This is called the reactive mind because it controls you and influences your decisions without you even knowing it.
The reactive mind produces harmful and inhibiting emotions, sensations and behaviors that are not based in reality.
Here are some of the key points you’ll learn with Dianetics:
Why do we give up on our dreams?
Page 47
What is the real cause of depression?
Page 142
Is there a cure of stress?
Page 207
What is the true source of anxiety?
Page 95
How do you reach your full potential?
Page 110
How do we hurt the ones we love?
Page 169
Why are some people prone to illness?
Page 113
How can you improve your mental health?
Page 13
Award-winning trade paperback edition
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“Dianetics has become the self-improvement classic.”
—The New York Post
What people have to say after reading Dianetics:
“I look, understand, decide and act. No more inner conflict. Thanks to Dianetics, I am achieving my goals.”
Chick Corea
22-time Grammy-Winning Jazz Legend
“Dianetics got me to a completely different level. I have always had the ability to be successful, but Dianetics brought me to the point where I could achieve something really big, without obstacles.”
John Travolta
“I have read hundreds of books on success and happiness and the most important book I read was Dianetics. It explained how to get rid of limited thinking, uncertainties and destructive behavior that hampered my potential.”
Grand Cardone
CEO Entrepreneur International Speaker
“I’ve always loved what I do and Dianetics allowed me to enjoy it even more. Knowing yourself, having trust in yourself and your decisions is everything. Dianetics made this possible for me.”
Erika Christensen
Film and TV Actress
I became more confident
“Reading this book, for the first time in my life I could understand how the mind works and how to develop my full potential. After using the techniques described in the book I became more able to learn new things and to use my abilities in life. I became more confident, I improved my relationships and started achieving my goals in life, including in my job. Now I also understand much better the behavior of other people and how to deal with them. It was also very interesting to understand how the mind affects the body and what one can do about it. I really recommend it. “
Change is possible
” I always knew that I am far from making the most out of my life and my abilities. I knew that there was some reason why I was not performing up to my capacity. But I had no clue why and I had no idea how to change it. Some books tell you all about how you’re supposed to think positive and all this, but it did not change anything really. When I read Dianetics I finally understood what it was that had been holding me back all this time, and for the first time I saw there is hope to actually change it. It still looked almost too good to be true. Anyway, I decided “the proof is in the pudding” and gave it a try. Wow. I got a lot more than I expected. But instead of raving about it, I just say, read it yourself. And see what it does for you. “
"I'm not plagued by my past anymore"
“You know those thoughts, feelings and ideas that darken your thoughts, make you depressed and make you think you can’t make it? Those things that enter in when you least expect it? Well, I thought there was something wrong with me and I was the only one that experienced those. But then I read this book and found I was not alone, that there wasn’t something wrong with me, but I was the subject of an unknown power, unsuspected and always there. Even more so, in reading this book, I found there was a solution…and that was new to me. I was amazed of the truth of the book and in reading the book I had the feeling that the author wrote the book to me. I was caught and engaged all the way, till I knew the way out. Now I’m not plagued by my past anymore, yes, it did exist and things did happen, however now I can look at the future as a bright path with no chains holding me back. People who don’t know what is contained in this book are missing out. “
"I never got uncomfortable or stressed again"
“I bought Dianetics because I wanted to know what the mind is and how does it work. I was very surprised to find out the real facts and simple principles on how to understand other people and also what was stopping me to use more of my potential. I used the techniques described in Dianetics with my friend and we both got real changes in life. Usually I was feeling very uncomfortable and stressed about speed even if I was sitting as a passenger in a car driving below speed limit. After applying the Dianetics technique I found the reason which was causing this unreasonable fear and I never got uncomfortable or stressed again. I managed to get rid of many other fears I used to have and I can now comfortably deliver a speech in front of more than a hundred people. And I could help a friend of mine with some of his issues as well. So I can just recommend Dianetics to anybody who wants to become more able or to help people. “
"Real practical solutions"
“I had been looking for something about the mind and found this book. It’s totally not what I expected and gives the clearest most interesting view about the mind that I have ever read. I really found the answers to why I sometimes would feel a lack of self confidence or sometimes not as happy as I perhaps could be. I read all sorts of books but this one really gives the best information I have read anywhere. I highly recommend this book. If you’re looking for real practical solutions and a better understanding of yourself, this is the book to read. “
Join the 2 2 , 3 8 7 , 8 6 8 readers who have discovered the most widely read and influential system to help you enjoy life and reach your true potential.
Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health
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Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health
This explosive #1 New York Times bestseller contains all of the advanced techniques you need to apply Dianetics. Learn the procedure step-by-step and find out how your mind works and how to make it work for you.
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Download your free booklet A Selection From Dianetics
A Selection From Dianetics includes:
Introduction: How to Read this Book
Chapter 1: The Scope of Dianetics
Chapter 2: The Clear
Chapter 3: The Goal of Man
Glossary of Terms
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health was originally published in May of 1950. It has since proven the all-time bestselling work on the human mind, inspiring a fully international movement.
Excerpted here are the introductory chapters including the author’s Synopsis, providing a brief overview of Dianetic principles and what is contained in the book. Also included is a glossary of specialized terms and phrases.
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